The Birds of Australia Vol.8
- Identifier
- Suppl-1
- Gould Scientific name
- Stryx candida
- Scientific name
- Tyto longimembris
- Gould name (en)
- Grass-Owl
- Name (en)
- Eastern Grass Owl
- Identifier
- Suppl-2
- Gould Scientific name
- Sceloglaux albifacies
- Scientific name
- Sceloglaux albifacies
- Gould name (en)
- Wekau
- Name (en)
- Laughing Owl
- Identifier
- Suppl-3
- Gould Scientific name
- Podargus papuensis
- Scientific name
- Podargus papuensis
- Gould name (en)
- Papuan Podargus
- Name (en)
- Papuan Frogmouth
- Identifier
- Suppl-4
- Gould Scientific name
- Podargus marmoratus
- Scientific name
- Podargus ocellatus
- Gould name (en)
- Marbled Podargus
- Name (en)
- Marbled Frogmouth
- Identifier
- Suppl-5
- Gould Scientific name
- Halcyon flavirostris
- Scientific name
- Syma torotoro
- Gould name (en)
- Yellow- billed Kingfisher
- Name (en)
- Yellow-billed Kingfisher
- Identifier
- Suppl-6
- Gould Scientific name
- Tanysiptera sylvia
- Scientific name
- Tanysiptera sylvia
- Gould name (en)
- White-tailed Tanysiptera
- Name (en)
- Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher
- Identifier
- Suppl-7
- Gould Scientific name
- Artamus melanops
- Scientific name
- Artamus cinereus
- Gould name (en)
- Black-faced Wood-Swallow
- Name (en)
- Black-faced Woodswallow
- Identifier
- Suppl-8
- Gould Scientific name
- Pardalotus xanthopygius
- Scientific name
- Pardalotus punctatus
- Gould name (en)
- Yellow-rumped Pardalote
- Name (en)
- Spotted Pardalote
- Identifier
- Suppl-9
- Gould Scientific name
- Manucodia keraudreni
- Scientific name
- Manucodia keraudrenii
- Gould name (en)
- Keraudren's Crow-Shrike
- Name (en)
- Trumpet Manucode
- Identifier
- Suppl-10
- Gould Scientific name
- Arses kaupi
- Scientific name
- Arses kaupi
- Gould name (en)
- Kaup's Flycatcher
- Name (en)
- Pied Monarch
- Identifier
- Suppl-11
- Gould Scientific name
- Machærirhynchus flaviventer
- Scientific name
- Machaerirhynchus flaviventer
- Gould name (en)
- Yellow-breasted Flycatcher
- Name (en)
- Yellow-breasted Boatbill
- Identifier
- Suppl-12
- Gould Scientific name
- Monarcha leucotis
- Scientific name
- Monarcha leucotis
- Gould name (en)
- White-eared Flycatcher
- Name (en)
- White-eared Monarch
- Identifier
- Suppl-13
- Gould Scientific name
- Monarcha albiventris
- Scientific name
- Monarcha trivirgatus
- Gould name (en)
- White-bellied Flycatcher
- Name (en)
- Spectacled Monarch
- Identifier
- Suppl-14
- Gould Scientific name
- Gerygone personata
- Scientific name
- Gerygone palpebrosa
- Gould name (en)
- Masked Gerygone
- Name (en)
- Fairy Gerygone
- Identifier
- Suppl-15
- Gould Scientific name
- Petroica? Cerviniventris
- Scientific name
- Poecilodryas cerviniventris
- Gould name (en)
- Buff-sided Robin
- Name (en)
- Buff-sided Robin
- Identifier
- Suppl-16
- Gould Scientific name
- Drymodes superciliaris
- Scientific name
- Drymodes superciliaris
- Gould name (en)
- Eastern Scrub-Robin
- Name (en)
- Northern Scrub Robin
- Identifier
- Suppl-17
- Gould Scientific name
- Eopsaltria capito
- Scientific name
- Tregellasia capito
- Gould name (en)
- Large-headed Robin
- Name (en)
- Pale-yellow Robin
- Identifier
- Suppl-18
- Gould Scientific name
- Eöpsaltria leucura
- Scientific name
- Peneoenanthe pulverulenta
- Gould name (en)
- White-tailed Robin
- Name (en)
- Mangrove Robin
- Identifier
- Suppl-19
- Gould Scientific name
- Menura alberti
- Scientific name
- Menura alberti
- Gould name (en)
- Albert Lyre-Bird
- Name (en)
- Albert's Lyrebird
- Identifier
- Suppl-20
- Gould Scientific name
- Malurus coronatus
- Scientific name
- Malurus coronatus
- Gould name (en)
- Crowned Wren
- Name (en)
- Purple-crowned Fairywren
- Identifier
- Suppl-21
- Gould Scientific name
- Malurus amabilis
- Scientific name
- Malurus amabilis
- Gould name (en)
- Lovely Wren
- Name (en)
- Lovely Fairywren
- Identifier
- Suppl-22
- Gould Scientific name
- Malurus hypoleucus
- Scientific name
- Malurus amabilis
- Gould name (en)
- Fawn-breasted Superb Warbler
- Name (en)
- Lovely Fairywren
- Identifier
- Suppl-23
- Gould Scientific name
- Malurus callainus
- Scientific name
- Malurus splendens
- Gould name (en)
- Turquoisine Superb Warbler
- Name (en)
- Splendid Fairywren
- Identifier
- Suppl-24
- Gould Scientific name
- Malurus leuconotus
- Scientific name
- Malurus leucopterus
- Gould name (en)
- White-backed Superb Warbler
- Name (en)
- White-winged Fairywren
- Identifier
- Suppl-25
- Gould Scientific name
- Sphenura broadbenti
- Scientific name
- Dasyornis broadbenti
- Gould name (en)
- Rufous-headed Bristle-Bird
- Name (en)
- Rufous Bristlebird