The Birds of Australia Vol.8
- Identifier
- Suppl-51
- Gould Scientific name
- Ptiloris magnifica
- Scientific name
- Ptiloris magnificus
- Gould name (en)
- Magnificent Rifle-bird
- Name (en)
- Magnificent Riflebird
- Identifier
- Suppl-52
- Gould Scientific name
- Semioptera wallacei
- Scientific name
- Semioptera wallacii
- Gould name (en)
- Standard-Wing
- Name (en)
- Standardwing
- Identifier
- Suppl-53
- Gould Scientific name
- Orthonyx spaldingi
- Scientific name
- Orthonyx spaldingii
- Gould name (en)
- Spalding's Orthonyx
- Name (en)
- Chowchilla
- Identifier
- Suppl-54
- Gould Scientific name
- Sittella striata
- Scientific name
- Daphoenositta chrysoptera
- Gould name (en)
- Striated Sittella
- Name (en)
- Varied Sittella
- Identifier
- Suppl-55
- Gould Scientific name
- Cacomantis castaneiventris
- Scientific name
- Cacomantis castaneiventris
- Gould name (en)
- Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo
- Name (en)
- Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo
- Identifier
- Suppl-56
- Gould Scientific name
- Chrysococcyx minutillus
- Scientific name
- Chrysococcyx minutillus
- Gould name (en)
- Little Cuckoo
- Name (en)
- Little Bronze Cuckoo
- Identifier
- Suppl-57
- Gould Scientific name
- Strigops habroptilus
- Scientific name
- Strigops habroptila
- Gould name (en)
- Kakapo
- Name (en)
- Kakapo
- Identifier
- Suppl-58
- Gould Scientific name
- Nestor hypopolius
- Scientific name
- Nestor meridionalis
- Gould name (en)
- Ka-ka Parrot
- Name (en)
- New Zealand Kaka
- Identifier
- Suppl-59
- Gould Scientific name
- Nestor esslingii
- Scientific name
- Nestor meridionalis
- Gould name (en)
- Prince of Essling's Parrot
- Name (en)
- New Zealand Kaka
- Identifier
- Suppl-60
- Gould Scientific name
- Nestor notabilis
- Scientific name
- Nestor notabilis
- Gould name (en)
- Kea Parrot
- Name (en)
- Kea
- Identifier
- Suppl-61
- Gould Scientific name
- Microglossus aterrimus
- Scientific name
- Probosciger aterrimus
- Gould name (en)
- Great Palm-Cockatoo
- Name (en)
- Palm Cockatoo
- Identifier
- Suppl-62
- Gould Scientific name
- Polytelis alexandræ
- Scientific name
- Polytelis alexandrae
- Gould name (en)
- The Princess of Wales's Parrakeet
- Name (en)
- Princess Parrot
- Identifier
- Suppl-63
- Gould Scientific name
- Platycercus cyanogenys
- Scientific name
- Platycercus adscitus
- Gould name (en)
- Blue-cheeked Parrakeet
- Name (en)
- Pale-headed Rosella
- Identifier
- Suppl-64
- Gould Scientific name
- Psephotus chrysopterygius
- Scientific name
- Psephotellus chrysopterygius
- Gould name (en)
- Golden-backed Parrakeet
- Name (en)
- Golden-shouldered Parrot
- Identifier
- Suppl-65
- Gould Scientific name
- Cyclopsitta coxeni
- Scientific name
- Cyclopsitta diophthalma
- Gould name (en)
- Coxen's Parrakeet
- Name (en)
- Double-eyed Fig Parrot
- Identifier
- Suppl-66
- Gould Scientific name
- Geopsittacus occidentalis
- Scientific name
- Pezoporus occidentalis
- Gould name (en)
- Nocturnal Ground-Parrakeet
- Name (en)
- Night Parrot
- Identifier
- Suppl-67
- Gould Scientific name
- Carpophaga assimilis
- Scientific name
- Ptilinopus magnificus
- Gould name (en)
- Allied Fruit-Pigeon
- Name (en)
- Wompoo Fruit Dove
- Identifier
- Suppl-68
- Gould Scientific name
- Lophophaps ferruginea
- Scientific name
- Geophaps plumifera
- Gould name (en)
- Rust-coloured Bronzewing
- Name (en)
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Identifier
- Suppl-69
- Gould Scientific name
- Lophophaps leucogaster
- Scientific name
- Geophaps plumifera
- Gould name (en)
- White-bellied Bronzewing
- Name (en)
- Spinifex Pigeon
- Identifier
- Suppl-70
- Gould Scientific name
- Casuarius australis
- Scientific name
- Casuarius casuarius
- Gould name (en)
- Australian Cassowary
- Name (en)
- Southern Cassowary
- Identifier
- Suppl-71
- Gould Scientific name
- Casuarius australis
- Scientific name
- Casuarius casuarius
- Gould name (en)
- Australian Cassowary
- Name (en)
- Southern Cassowary
- Identifier
- Suppl-72
- Gould Scientific name
- Casuarius bennetti
- Scientific name
- Casuarius bennetti
- Gould name (en)
- Bennett's Cassowary
- Name (en)
- Dwarf Cassowary
- Identifier
- Suppl-73
- Gould Scientific name
- Casuarius bennetti
- Scientific name
- Casuarius bennetti
- Gould name (en)
- Bennett's Cassowary
- Name (en)
- Dwarf Cassowary
- Identifier
- Suppl-74
- Gould Scientific name
- Casuarius uniappendiculatus
- Scientific name
- Casuarius unappendiculatus
- Gould name (en)
- One-carunculated Cassowary
- Name (en)
- Northern Cassowary
- Identifier
- Suppl-75
- Gould Scientific name
- Casuarius uniappendiculatus
- Scientific name
- Casuarius unappendiculatus
- Gould name (en)
- One-carunculated Cassowary
- Name (en)
- Northern Cassowary